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Comfrey -  Symphytum officinale

Comfrey - Symphytum officinale


System: Skin


Qualities/Actions: Exceptional support for wound and skin repair. It contains a constituent called Allantoin which stimulates cell proliferation and helps to repair the connective tissues and collagen. This can help reduce the risk of scars. It's great for soothing pain and inflammation over epithelial (thin tissue forming the outer layer of a body's surface) wounds. Be sure to clean the wound well before applying comfrey as comfrey is known to promote tissue to form quickly over the wound which can then trap in outside bacteria//pathogens.


Analgesic: Pain relief.

Anti-Inflammatory: Controls inflammation, a reaction to injury or infection.

Astringent: Causes contraction of body tissues, checks blood flow, or restricts the secretion of fluids.

Demulcent: Relieves inflammation or irritation.

Emollient: Softens and soothes the skin.

Expectorant: Used to help clear mucus (phlegm) from your airway.

Vulnerary: Wound healing.


Common Use: Topical only* Compress, Poultice, Oil Infusion.


Safety: Comfrey contains a PA (Pyrrolizidine Alkaloid) which is suggested only for topical use. Extended long-term use is not suggested. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) are secondary plants metabolites. They do not have essential functions on plants growth, though are important for survival since are repellent for herbivores. The PAs are present in the entire plant, but higher concentrations are found particularly in the seeds and flowers.


Storage: Store in a cool, dry, dark place in an airtight container.





Disclaimer: this information is for educational purposes only and has not been evaluated by the FDA or CFIA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product has been packaged in the same facility as peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, and other potential allergens.

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